How to purge your exim emails and handle a Line mismatch error

Just a quick post mainly for my reference on how to purge your exim mail queue and handle the "Line mismatch:" error you can get sometimes when things aren't working as they should.

You can list all of the messages backed up with the commands:

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  1. exim -bp
  2. // or
  3. mailq

To remove a particular message from the queue:

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  1. exim -Mrm {message-id}

To remove all of the messages in the queue:

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  1. exim -bp | exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -Mrm
  2. // or
  3. exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -Mrm

However sometimes the above doesn't work and you get "Line mismatch: ". To handle this and still delete all the darn messages you can use:

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  1. exim -bpru | grep '<code>' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs -n 1 -P 20 exim -Mrm

You might need to run it a few times, just use the mailq command to get the to delete.

Filed under: Linux  Tags: Debian, Ubuntu

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