Finding your Debian and Ubuntu install version

To find your Debian and Ubuntu install version:

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  1. Debian, type "cat /etc/debian_version"
  2. Ubuntu, type "cat /etc/issue"
  3. RedHat, type "cat /etc/redhat-release"

To find the Kernel version:

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  1. type, "uname -a" (prints all kernel information)
  2. type, "uname -r" (prints your kernel release)

The "uname -r" command can be useful for installing things like the kernel headers, for example :-

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  1. apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

To find what software package version's have been installed:

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  1. type, "dpkg -l | grep <package_name>"

For example to find what glib version you have installed:

Show Plain Text
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  1. type, "dpkg -l | grep libc6"
Filed under: Linux  Tags: Debian, Ubuntu

4 Responses to “Finding your Debian and Ubuntu install version”

Thanks mate I seem to forget the difference between these two at times. # Debian, type "cat /etc/debian_version" # Ubuntu, type "cat /etc/issue"

Thx. Very useful stuff, especcially when you install stuff...

Simple yet useful. Thank you : ).

You can use : lsb_release -a Source : Find Debian or Ubuntu current version

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