SEO meta tags under Cakephp 1.2
How to set you meta tag keywords and descriptions under cakephp with the $html->meta() helper function...
Basic search engine optimisation (SEO) under CakePHP 1.2
The following article outlines some simple methods that can be used for improving search engine optimisation under the CakePHP 1.2 framework...
Setting meta tag descriptions and keywords under CakePHP 1.2
The following article outlines a very simple method for setting meta tag descriptions and keywords in your views, these are optionally used by search engines...
Sitemaps made easy with CakePHP 1.2
Sitemaps are an essential aspect of most websites whether its just for SEO or simply to assist with the user site navigation. CakePHP 1.2 makes sitemaps a breeze to create and what makes its even better is that CakePHP can generate portions of your sitemp automatically...