How to turn off your RadStudio IDE start page banner display
Your Embarcadero RAD Studio program installation folder contains a subfolder named "Welcomepage". For a non-English version locate the language specific subfolder...
How to turn off your RadStudio IDE start page banner display
Your Embarcadero RAD Studio program installation folder contains a subfolder named "Welcomepage". For a non-English version locate the language specific subfolder...
Fixing your lost delphi (.pas) Explorer file association for RadStudio
I recently installed Visual Studio 2015 RC and found that after the application install I had lost my default pascal (.pas) Explorer file association i.e. double clicking a file in Explorer to load in an already open RadStudio. The first step (under Win7) to re-associate the file extension to allow an already open RadStudio to load the clicked on file...
Fixing your lost delphi (.pas) Explorer file association for RadStudio
I recently installed Visual Studio 2015 RC and found that after the application install I had lost my default pascal (.pas) Explorer file association i.e. double clicking a file in Explorer to load in an already open RadStudio. The first step (under Win7) to re-associate the file extension to allow an already open RadStudio to load the clicked on file...
Fixing your lost delphi (.pas) Explorer file association for RadStudio
I recently installed Visual Studio 2015 RC and found that after the application install I had lost my default pascal (.pas) Explorer file association i.e. double clicking a file in Explorer to load in an already open RadStudio. The first step (under Win7) to re-associate the file extension to allow an already open RadStudio to load the clicked on file...
TClientSocket and TServerSocket missing from XE8
How to install TClientSocket and TServerSocket back into your Delphi / C++ Builder XE8 RadStudio IDE...
TClientSocket and TServerSocket missing from XE8
How to install TClientSocket and TServerSocket back into your Delphi / C++ Builder XE8 RadStudio IDE...
Re-deploy files to your Delphi / C++ Builder mobile application
When deploying files to your mobile device with Delphi / C++ Builder the data and cache directories are not updated regardless of whether you try to clean and re-deploy all files through the IDE. I just read today on Delphi G+ groups that one method since XE6 to get around this problem is to use the -cleaninstall run parameter.
Enabling CodeGaurd for you RAD Studio C++ application for memory leak detection
Quick note on how to enable Embarcadero C++ Builder CodeGuard memory leak detection...
Unresolved external wWinMain from COW32W.OBJ
Sometimes when your forced to upgrade your very old projects to the latest RadStudio environment you'll strike the linker error "Unresolved external 'wWinMain'...
C / C++ DLL compiling ilink32 error Unresolved external
If your building a C / C++ DLL and your getting ILINK32 Error: Unresolved external its a simple solution to get things working...
embarcadero dbexpress SQLConnection DriverName access violation DbxCommon150.bpl
I struck a problem trying to use the dbExpress TSQLConnection components on an upgraded BDS2006 application where the program would compile and link fine but when you ran the application it would fail with the following access violation error...
Getting embarcadero dbexpress mysql working - DBX Error: Driver not initialized
Sometimes the simple things are harder than you expected and dbexpress probably comes under that category, it was less express than I had expected but once you figure things out it does work. Some of the problems were my fault while others took time due to the obscur nature of the errors returned by XE and XE2...
Borland CPort multiple declaration and Unresolved linker SetPortA function
If you're having problems using the CPort 3.1 comport library for Borland C++ 6 or BDS 2006 and your getting multiple declarations and unresolved linker SetPortA errors, this is how to get things running...
Setting Borland TCppWebBrowser components navigate wchar_t string
Just a quick note on my part on how to set a wide character string i.e. wchar_t* under Borland BDS 2006, in this example I'm using the TCppWebBrowser component...
Abnormal borland compiled program termination after winXP SP3 install
After installing WindowsXP SP3 my Borland Builder 6 (BCB6) applications compiled with QuickReports were crashing with the errors EAccessViolation and 'Abnormal program termination'...