Tag Filter - (Gimp)

Display transparent PNG images under IE6

One of the many problems with IE6 is that transparent 24-bit PNG images are not supported, the solution to this is simply to convert them to 8-bit images. Under Gimp...

Filed under: Design  Tags: Gimp
(default) 3 queries took 5 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1SELECT Post.* FROM posts Post, posts_tags pt, tags t WHERE t.tag = ('Gimp') AND t.id = pt.tag_id AND pt.post_id = Post.id AND Post.status = 1 ORDER BY Post.created DESC112
2SELECT category, COUNT(*) AS cat_cnt FROM categories_posts c2p INNER JOIN categories Cat ON c2p.category_id = Cat.id GROUP BY category15151
3SELECT tag, COUNT(*) AS tag_cnt FROM posts_tags t2p INNER JOIN tags Tag ON t2p.tag_id = Tag.id GROUP BY tag49492