Tag Filter - (Shell)

Shhhh! Keep quiet cakephp console

Its been a while since I've had a chance and/or motivation to write any notes down, in the words of Willie Wonka "So much time, so little to do....ahhhh, strike that, reverse it..."

At any rate this note is in relation to the cakePHP console and keeping it quiet. Sometimes you need the verbose / debug information and other times it makes it impossible to work in the same shell window...

Filed under: Cakephp  Tags: Shell
(default) 9 queries took 76 ms
NrQueryErrorAffectedNum. rowsTook (ms)
1DESCRIBE `posts`17171
2DESCRIBE `comments`11119
3DESCRIBE `tags`229
4DESCRIBE `categories`2210
5DESCRIBE `posts_tags`2218
6DESCRIBE `categories_posts`226
7SELECT Post.* FROM posts Post, posts_tags pt, tags t WHERE t.tag = ('Shell') AND t.id = pt.tag_id AND pt.post_id = Post.id AND Post.status = 1 ORDER BY Post.created DESC1111
8SELECT category, COUNT(*) AS cat_cnt FROM categories_posts c2p INNER JOIN categories Cat ON c2p.category_id = Cat.id GROUP BY category151510
9SELECT tag, COUNT(*) AS tag_cnt FROM posts_tags t2p INNER JOIN tags Tag ON t2p.tag_id = Tag.id GROUP BY tag49492