CakePHP bookmarks
The following is a list of useful CakePHP web sites and related information that I have come across. These links will be updated as time permits.
- CakePHP
- CakePHP 1.2 API or you can download the API here
- 1.2 Deprecated method list
- CakePHP 1.2 Docs
- API as a single page (good for producing a PDF)
Groups & Help:
- CakePHP Google Group (main english group)
- Nabble Google Group (forum like interface of google group)
- CakePHP Google Group FAQ
- Tickets, Changelogs, Roadmap, etc
- IRC chat
- CakePHP forum (Un-official forum)
Cake AMF
These blogs are mainly CakePHP related and are worth the read IMO...
- Nuts and bolts of cakephp by Teknoid
- Mark Story Illustration
- Jack of All Trades Web Development by Mark Grabanski
- by Matt Curry
- Jonathan Snook
Tasty Articles
- 21 Things I learned about CakePHP
Good introductory article about CakePHP concepts, last time I read was related more to 1.1.X stable
CakePHP Books
- Beginning CakePHP by David Golding
- CakePHP Application Development by Anupom Syam and Ahsanul Bari, covers 1.2 Beta - RC1